Anuga FoodTec 2024 Fleisch & Co

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Anuga FoodTec 2024: Focus on innovations

During Anuga FoodTec 2024, the renowned trade magazine “Die Fleischerei” presented companies that focus on innovation. We were also mentioned in their report:
Starting with analysing production data to determine demand, capacities and the optimal production flow. Considering parameters such as machine and storage sizes to optimise space design, machine set-up and processes, enabling smooth staff flows and efficient production routes. Optimisation of technical systems to increase energy efficiency and reduce costs. Our customers receive a comprehensive range of services from planning to realisation, including approval procedures and on-site construction management to ensure an efficient and cost-effective construction process.
If you would like to find out more about us, please contact us!


We are specialists in the planning, realization and support of food processing plants of all types and sizes.

T. +49 4101 556 81-0E.